Monday, 10 September 2012

Buddies for Life

     Four years ago I worked for a Collection agency. I met a co-worker that was sort of like me but was there not to make friends. I was to there to do both work and play, but didn't do much of that at that company. I am a person that is more concerned with quality and not quantity. Both of us were laid off and after we had had our girls we started to hang out. Her daughter cadence is 4 months older than Nastya and they have become buddies. We Skype now since her husband served the military and his contract ended. We have stayed in contact and our girls have become friends. T was my other half in the mom department. We shared a lot of the same feelings on how to raise our kids and to enjoy life. We went to the beach together and our daughters were always together.

     This summer T, Cadence and Addison(her other daughter) came to california to visit and we had such a blast the girls had a slumber party and it was the cutest thing ever. When they were little they didn't play much together but no they do.

Brushing their teeth with the crazy hair they both have.


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