Thursday, 17 January 2013


     When I first found out that we were expecting Nastya I was not only dumbfounded but I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a joke or the faint line on the pregnancy stick was fake. When she was born I couldn't wait for all the fun to start. Now that she is three and has a personality of her own I wish life didn't go by so fast. She tells me what to do and what not to do; knows when she is cold or hot. It is a realistic feeling to see how she copes on her day to day life.

     We always throw her a party, okay since we don't have many friends its more for us than her, but this year she had fun and I think is starting to get the hang of opening her gifts. We had a flower purple and blue theme. I made flower balls that came out very cool but a lot of time consuming work. I made home-made cake pops, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered rice crispy treats and so on. We had a candy buffet and hamburgers and hot dogs. Since I am the only one who really makes this stuff for Nastya Some times an easy meal is the best way to go. I know that my in-laws are not fans of this type of food but it is just me making this stuff so for now this is okay.

     We have a tradition. For each person who gives gifts we take a picture with them.

 Nastya helping with the making of raspberry lemonade.
 Cake pops and rice crispies
 Nastya getting ready to open presents
 Great Grandma and Grandpa Moskowitz
 Aleks and Ania
 Jacob and Nastya. Jacob is 2 months younger to the day than Nastya.
 Auntie Caite
 Jacob wants to be a part of the gang too
 Danny and Sara
 Auntie Anya
Birthday cake

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